What Is A Dental Emergency?

When you take good care of your teeth, seeing your dentist for regular cleanings and brushing and flossing at home, it shows. But sometimes, life sends something unexpected your way. Dental emergencies can happen even to people with healthy teeth and gums. The trick is knowing what counts as an emergency and requires urgent dental care and what can wait to be seen and treated.

Getting help and treatment as soon as possible in the event of a dental emergency is the key to saving your tooth and smile. Here’s what you need to know to spot an emergency.

Signs of a Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies can take multiple forms, but each one usually has obvious signs. If you notice any of the following, contact a dentist as soon as you can:

  • Uncontrolled bleeding from the gums or mouth
  • Missing or loose permanent tooth
  • Severe pain in the mouth or gums
  • Severe swelling

Common Dental Emergencies

Generally, a dental emergency is an event that requires immediate care and treatment. Not getting care immediately can put you at risk of severe pain, infection, lost teeth or, in extreme cases, death. Dental emergencies can take multiple forms.

Broken Tooth

A broken tooth, particularly in an adult, is almost always an emergency. When a tooth breaks, it can expose the root, pulp and nerves. Exposure to the air can cause the pulp to become infected with bacteria, which can cause significant damage if left untreated.

If your tooth breaks, rinse your mouth out with warm water, then use a compress on the tooth to keep the swelling down.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Knocked-out teeth also usually warrant a trip to the emergency dentist. The faster you act after the tooth gets knocked out, the more likely the dentist will be able to save the tooth.

If you can find the tooth after it gets knocked out of the mouth, pick it up by the crown end, not the roots. You can try to place it back in its socket for the trip to the dentist. If it doesn’t go back in, place the tooth in a glass of milk and bring it with you.

Severe Toothache

Infections of the gums and teeth can often cause extreme pain. If you develop a toothache like no other toothache you had before, you could have an emergency on your hands. That’s especially the case if the toothache is accompanied by swelling, fever, a bad taste in your mouth and a pimple-like blister on the gums. A severe toothache can mean you have an abscess that needs to be drained by a dentist. You might also need antibiotics, and in some cases, a root canal, to preserve the tooth.

Broken Crown or Filling

Crowns and fillings help preserve teeth after they’ve been damaged by cavities or injury. While most have long lives, they can break or come loose, especially if you get hit in the mouth. Act fast if you break a crown or filling. The sooner you repair the damage, the easier it is to fix and the lower your risk of infection.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Act quickly during a dental emergency, as you want to get the problem treated as quickly as possible. Contact your dentist’s office immediately. If you don’t have a family dentist, you can search for “emergency dentist near me” to find a practice that’s located close to your home.

Your dentist might be able to see you right away and can give you further instructions before you come in.

If you’re dealing with a broken or missing tooth, putting the tooth in milk will help preserve it. The liquid keeps the tooth from drying out and increases the chances that the dentist will be able to use it.

If you’re dealing with a lot of bleeding or swelling, putting gentle pressure on the affected area can help. You can also try rinsing your mouth out with water.

How to Prevent a Dental Emergency

You can prevent dental emergencies in a few ways. One is by staying on top of your dental care. When you get your teeth cleaned regularly, there’s less of a risk of infection. Your dentist can also detect and treat any issues before they become emergencies.

Protecting your mouth also helps you avoid an emergency situation. If you play sports, always wear a mouthguard. Try not to bite down or chew on hard objects, such as pens, bottle caps and hard candies.

Orange Grove Family Dentistry sees patients in emergency situations and for general, preventive dental care. If you want to learn more about what you can do to protect your teeth and gums, contact us today.


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6 Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy

Radiant smiles day after day start with good oral hygiene for healthy gums! The gingiva (or gums) is the soft pink-colored tissue that surrounds and protects the teeth as well as the underlying bone. Failing to care for this very important part of the tooth structure often leads to bleeding gums (gingivitis) and eventually periodontal or gum disease.

Periodontal disease is a dental disease that develops from bacterial infection or inflammation of the gum. According to the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), 47.2% of adults aged 30 years and older have some form of the disease. Luckily, you can prevent things from getting this far.

Read on to learn about 6 different ways you can promote healthy gums and maintain your brilliant smile…

#1. Brush Twice A Day

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you brush your teeth two times a day to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Use a soft-bristled brush and brush in a circular motion for two minutes. Dedicate 30 seconds of brushing time to each quadrant of your mouth. Brushing too long could irritate the gum or wear down the enamel that covers and protects your teeth. Brushing your teeth and tongue removes food and bacteria, reduces plaque and tartar buildup, and ultimately prevents gum disease.

#2. Floss And Rinse Every Day

Flossing daily with string floss or another type of interdental floss adds an extra layer of protection for your gums. Floss in between the teeth and below the gum line to remove tiny food particles and bacteria-filled plaque. Consistently removing plaque prevents it from hardening into tartar (calculus) and causing tooth decay. Finish up by rinsing your mouth with an over-the-counter antiseptic mouthwash. Daily rinsing slows down plaque formation, according to the ADA.

#3. Use Fluoride Toothpaste

All toothpastes aren’t created equal. The way to be sure you’ll be enjoying healthy teeth and gums is by selecting fluoride toothpaste. The ADA recommends this type of toothpaste because it contains ingredients that fight bacteria and prevent inflamed gums. Fluoride toothpaste also whitens your teeth and freshens your breath. Look for fluoride toothpaste with the ADA seal on the box.

#4. Trade Sodas For Water

Sodas are packed with sugars that combine with bacteria in the mouth to produce an acid that destroys the enamel and causes cavities. Toss the soda and reach for water instead. Sipping water throughout the day and in between meals helps wash away food particles and sugars in your mouth. Not only that, hydrating with water increases saliva production. Saliva is a natural oral cleanser. It removes sugars, food particles, and cavity-causing acids from your teeth.

#5. Quit Smoking

Smoking doesn’t only lead to chronic tooth discoloration. There’s also a strong link between smoking and unhealthy gums, gum disease, as well as tooth decay. These are all good reasons to quit. According to the CDC, smoking weakens your immune system, making it more difficult to fight off a gum infection. The gum also takes longer to heal.

#6. Go For Regular Dental Checkups And Cleanings

Regular dental checkups and professional cleanings are a vital part of proper oral hygiene. The ada recommends going to your dentist at least every six months. Your dentist will check for signs of inflamed gums and tooth decay. early detection and treatment helps prevent gingivitis from progressing to gum disease or advanced periodontal disease. Your dentist will also treat any tooth decay. It’s standard for your checkups to also include screenings for oral cancer.

Signs Of Unhealthy Gums

Healthy gums color is typically light pink. One of the early signs of unhealthy gums is deep red or swollen gums. Other signs include:

  • Tender or sensitive gums
  • Bleeding gums when brushing
  • Persistent bad breath
  • A metallic taste in your mouth
  • Excess saliva
  • Loose tooth

These are also signs of gingivitis or gum disease. Gum disease threatens oral and overall health. The dental disease will destroy the bone beneath the tooth if it remains untreated. This in turn increases your risk of tooth decay and tooth loss. Because of the mouth body connection, bacteria from gum infection may enter your body through the bloodstream. Systemic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease may develop as a result.

Give Your Gums A Treat At Orange Grove Family Dentistry

Do you suspect you may have unhealthy gums? Visit us! We’re here to provide all your oral health needs at our comfortable dental clinic in Orange, CA. Our professional dental team is armed with the latest technology and techniques for performing oral exams, x-rays, teeth cleanings, and periodontal treatment. Call (714) 771-1204 or head here to schedule a consultation today!


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Advantages Of Same-Day Crowns

The “need” to smile your brightest is often not considered until it becomes necessary — for an interview or even a photoshoot. Cerec crowns are the dental restorative treatment of choice in situations such as these if you may have had tooth decay, wear or chip in the past. however, many people are unaware of this essential procedure. in this article, we’ll provide you with an insight into same-day crowns and their benefits.

What Are Same-day Dental Crowns?

Same-day dental crowns are custom protective caps designed and carved to look like teeth. They are used as replacement coverings for teeth damaged by chips, severe decay, or injury. In just a few hours, these dental crowns can be installed over your teeth or gum areas you intend to cover while considering your demands and the dentist’s prescription.

Same-day crowns are made from zirconia, porcelain, ceramics, and resins, and they are based on cerec technology. You do not require sophisticated aftercare routines for your cerec crowns, other than the brush-twice-a-day oral hygiene practice and avoiding activities that may cause them to shift from where the dentist positioned them.

Your may need to get same-day crowns for the following reasons:

  • To serve as a protective covering for dental implants and root canal treatments
  • To hold together a weak tooth that is otherwise falling apart
  • To serve as a clamp for dental bridges and teeth with filling in place
  • For aesthetic purposes, especially in the presence of severe tooth discoloration

Same-day crown advantages

The most obvious of the benefits of dental crowns is that it is a walk-in or a “fix teeth fast” procedure, as their name hints. aside from this, what other reasons make dental practices choose same-day crowns?

Robust and Safe

Cerec crowns are typically durable, offering nearly the same level of durability as a natural tooth. The materials used for crowns’ production vary and depend on the patient requiring the fit. Some patients are allergic and sensitive to specific crown materials like metal; other times, it is the solvents used during installation. Aside from unique scenarios such as these, same-day crowns are safe and can function as effectively as the tooth it is replacing.

Looks And Feels Like The Real thing

Having a variety of materials to choose from gives the dentist the freedom and ability to match your teeth colors — or at the very least, very close. The results of examining gum position, tooth location and how much of it is left are inputted into a cerec machine used to obtain a final fit.The machine’s computer-aided designing and manufacturing systems ensure that the tiniest crevices and impressions are captured. As a result, it will reduce the lack of confidence that may have resulted from your fear of tooth misalignment or color mismatch.

Promotes Comfort

The comfortability of same-day crowns is two-fold. Same-day crowns are non-invasive, and the design accuracy makes the restoration procedure painless, leading to a much easier fitting process. Because their placement is done in a single appointment, the cerec crown installation process does not require using temporary crowns, which can be very uncomfortable and present chewing difficulties. Additionally, the inconvenience of repeat appointments and procedures can be bothersome.

Cost-effective And Efficient

Despite the convenience of same-day crowns over traditional crowns, they are better priced. temporary crowns require multiple appointments that add to their base price and taking time off work to meet up with the dentist reduces your overall productivity and earning ability. Same-day crowns cut down these excesses.

A Healthier Diet

Tooth decay can be excruciating and discourage you from using normal bite power in food consumption. This results in pickier feeding habits, which in some cases, results in a non-healthy diet. Same-day crowns can withstand about the same biting power as natural teeth without accompanying pain or misalignment, as you may experience with traditional crowns.

Visit Orange Grove Family Dentistry To Get Crowns In A Day

Cerec crowns are becoming more popular among doctors and patients, thanks to the non-negotiable benefits of cost-effectiveness, convenience and comfort. If you live in the Orange County, California area and have been searching for a “cerec dentist near me,”,visit Orange Grove Family Dentistry today. Call us at (714) 771-1204 with any questions or click here to schedule an appointment right away.



Getting The Most Out Of Your Dental Insurance

As the year comes to an end, you’ll want to start thinking about your dental insurance benefits. If you haven’t used them fully, you will have a couple of months to do so before your benefits expire. Here are a few things to consider regarding using your dental benefits before the year ends.

Whether you have dental insurance or a flexible spending account, now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment for the dental treatment you need before the end of the year.

Flexible Spending Accounts

A flexible spending account is a great way to set aside part of your income (pre-tax) into a savings account to pay for eligible healthcare expenses for you, your spouse, or your dependents. This money is automatically taken from your paycheck and put into an account exclusively for medical expenses. What’s important to note is what kind of treatment is covered by an FSA account. Most dental preventative work is covered, such as teeth cleanings, sealants, fillings, and crowns, but usually not cosmetic surgery. The amount your employer decides you contribute from your paycheck will determine how much you spend on potential dental treatment.

Dentists That Take Dental Insurance

If you don’t already have dental insurance, there are a few things to consider before making a purchase. If you’re single and in good dental health, then your best option for insurance would be different than someone with children and a history of gum disease. Once you choose the dental insurance plan that meets your and your family’s financial and dental needs, you must find a dentist who takes your insurance. Some dentists take only a few insurance plans, while others accept a wide range of plans.

The Importance Of Searching In-Network

When a dentist is in an insurance provider’s network, it means that they have agreed to perform services for a lower cost for the insurance provider’s subscribers. This means that the most cost-effective way to seek dental care is by searching through your insurance’s list of in-network care. This list can be found on your insurance company’s website. Taking this step can save thousands of dollars in copays, in the long run, so make sure to check!

At Orange Grove Family Dentistry, we accept:

  • Aetna
  • Delta
  • Metlife
  • Principal
  • Humana
  • Cigna
  • Guardian
  • Sunlife
  • Anthem
  • Ameritas
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • …and more!

Use it Or Lose it!

Many insurance benefits are known as “use it or lose it” benefits. Most insurance companies provide a yearly spending limit – the maximum amount they are willing to cover over the course of the year. This limit does not carry over from year to year – it can’t be saved up. this means that it’s best to use as much of this limit as possible to get the most out of your dental coverage. Make sure to get your checkup every 6 months to stay on top of your dental health and make the most of your insurance.

Orange Grove Family Dentistry

Orange Grove Family Dentistry is committed to providing treatments that best fit your dental health needs, leading with transparency, excellence, and compassion. Whether you need basic cleaning, services like fillings, sealants, or more advanced procedures, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality care possible. If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment, call us today at (714) 771-1204 or message us! 


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10 Effective Tooth Sensitivity Treatments

Tooth sensitivity can set in suddenly, interrupting your enjoyment of food and drink. A minor toothache that comes and goes may be easy enough to treat with home remedies. However, you should see your dentist to rule out more serious causes of tooth pain and to find out which of these treatments for tooth sensitivity will work best for you.

1. Rinsing with Saltwater

For a simple improvement in teeth sensitive to cold or hot, try rinsing with salt water a few times a day. Mix half a teaspoon of plain table salt into a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with it for one minute. This helps reduce inflammation and soothe gum tissue that could be contributing to the sensitivity issue. It’s no permanent sensitive teeth cure, but it can be done at any time of the day or night for some relief.

2. Sensitivity Toothpaste

Choosing a sensitive toothpaste helps reduce the issue with minimal commitment. These products take a few days to weeks of daily use to kick in, but they’ll help with a wide range of sensitivity issues. You may want to ask your dentist for a recommendation on a specific product if you have other dental health concerns like gum disease.

3. Fluoride Treatments

Damage to the enamel of the teeth is a common cause of new or worsening tooth sensitivity. Applying a targeted fluoride treatment can reduce this issue. A dentist should handle this for you since over-the-counter fluoride rinses and toothpaste won’t contain as much as you need to remineralize your enamel layer.

4. Soft Toothbrushes

A stiff or even medium-bristled toothbrush can leave your gums and teeth sensitive from abrasion. Stick to soft-bristled toothbrushes to reduce sensitivity while still getting a thorough cleaning.

5. Sealants and Resins

In addition to fluoride applied directly to the sensitive teeth to rebuild enamel, your dentist may recommend an artificial protective layer known as a sealant. This helps replace lost enamel while reducing nerve exposure. If the tooth is damaged in some way and sealant won’t be enough, bonding with dental resins can cover the surface and stop the sensitivity.

6. Night Guards for Grinding

A mouthguard for sensitive teeth often needs to be worn at night to protect you from grinding habits. Even a little tooth clenching or grinding at night can lead to sensitivity all day long, not to mention jaw soreness. A night guard should be custom fitted by the dentist so it doesn’t interrupt your sleep.

7. Vanilla or Clove Extract

For a quick resolution to a sudden toothache or sensitivity, try dabbing some clove or vanilla extract designed for baking directly onto the affected tooth. These compounds are known for mildly relieving dental pain, working well as a stopgap until you can see the dentist.

8. Gum Grafts

Long-term treatment of returning or serious tooth sensitivity often requires a more advanced approach from the dentist. If you’ve experienced gum recession and the exposed nerves aren’t responding to other treatments, grafting the tissue can restore your smile while eliminating these pain issues at the same time.

9. Cavity Filling

Sudden sensitivity can indicate decay in a tooth. This means that getting a cavity filled can resolve, or at least greatly reduce, the pain as well. If tooth sensitivity remains after getting the filling, the dentist can help you find a desensitizing toothpaste that will handle the rest of the issue.

10. Root Canal

For the most serious cases of toothache and sensitivity, a root canal may be needed. Root canals will stop even severe tooth pain because the nerves inside the tooth are removed along with any damaged or decayed material. Only the dentist can tell you if this is necessary for your situation.

If you’re still wondering how to stop tooth sensitivity the right way, reach out to us here at Orange Grove Family Dentistry. We’re happy to help find the cause of your tooth sensitivity and match you with the right treatment or sensitive teeth cure.


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4 Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care

Damage to teeth and gums can’t be ignored. It’s always important to act quickly if something is wrong, but some dental issues are more pressing than others. How can you know the difference between a dental problem that needs to be solved soon and a problem that needs to be solved now

We never want our patients to put off a dental procedure when it could lead to lasting harm, so we’ve compiled a list of important warning signs that mean you should get your teeth checked out as soon as possible. After all, you’ve only got so many teeth — it’s best to keep them all in good shape.

Dental abscesses

A dental abscess is a small collection of pus inside of a tooth or gums that is caused by a bacterial infection. If your symptoms include shiny red swollen gums, a fever, or pain that spreads to your jaw or neck, you may have an abscess, even if you don’t see it. Try to see us as soon as possible, but, in the meantime, you can reduce the pain of the abscess by avoiding cold drinks. Use a soft toothbrush to very gently clean the area until we can get you into the office.

Broken or missing teeth

It goes without saying that obvious physical damage to your teeth is one of the most urgent dental emergencies you can experience. If your tooth has been damaged, rinse your mouth with warm water immediately and call us as soon as possible. If your tooth has come out, gently try to put it back into the socket (without touching the root!) or keep it in your mouth to protect it until we can see you.

Significant pain or swelling in the teeth, gums or jaw

Constant pain or swelling in your mouth is never normal! This symptom may seem vague or common, but it could be a sign of major damage or an infection that could have nasty results if left untreated. Don’t tough it out. Call us and we will decide together whether you need to come in for an appointment.

Lost filling or crown

A crown or filling can become loose or even fall out for a variety of reasons. If you lose a crown or filling, it’s important to try to save it — we may be able to reuse it. Rinse the area with warm salt water and continue to brush the damaged tooth (gently!) until we can see you.

Ignoring any of these four dental problems could result in the permanent loss of teeth. Infections can even spread to other parts of your body and cause serious general medical issues, so it’s extremely important to get your teeth examined if you experience any dental emergency on this list!

We want your tooth pain or mouth pain to stop. 

First and foremost, if you are in pain, we want to help you get some relief. Then we can address any underlying causes to solve the problem using dental best practices. If you believe you’re experiencing a dental emergency, give us a call as soon as possible. We’ll get you an appointment in the near future, so you can go back to your life and leave tooth pain behind. 


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Dental Anxiety in Children

It’s common for children—and adults—to feel afraid, stressed, or anxious when it comes to visiting their dentist. While many kids don’t enjoy going to the dentist, they don’t necessarily feel fear or anxiety but some children experience very real fear and anxiety. If parents and dentists don’t work together early on to reduce/eliminate these fears, they can develop into an actual phobia. At Orange Grove Family Dentistry, our office is designed to help children feel safe, relaxed, and comfortable at each of their visits. We work at every visit to minimize fears and create positive dental experiences for children.

Why Do Children Fear the Dentist?

It’s normal to feel a little anxiety when a visit to the dentist is coming up, especially for children. But, to help your child with their dental anxiety, you should understand why they feel anxious.

  • Pain. Whether your child has heard about a painful experience that a parent or sibling had or if they’ve had a painful experience themselves, it’s understandable that they’re afraid. Children also often are afraid of needles associated with some dental work.
  • Embarrassment. If a child has obvious oral health issues, such as decay, they can feel self-conscious and embarrassed.
  • Lack of control. Fear of losing control is related to the fear of pain. A child knows that the big person with the pointy instruments is in charge. If there’s pain or discomfort, the child may very likely feel that he or she has no control over it.

Helping Your Child Overcome Dental Anxiety

You can help your child manage and overcome their fears as a parent. We’ve included some of our dental anxiety management tips so you can help your children have a positive experience at every dental visit.

  1. Take them to the dentist early on. It’s recommended children visit a dentist when their first tooth appears or by their first birthday.
  2. Visit a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentists are uniquely trained to care for children’s oral health, helping them feel safe and comfortable during visits.
  3. Let them bring something that comforts them such as a toy or blanket. This helps your child feel more comfortable during their entire visit.
  4. Speak positively about dental visits. The way you speak about the dentist can directly impact how your child sees the dentist; so it’s important that you don’t speak poorly about dental visits.
  5. Focus on practicing good oral health habits at home. When children are familiar with brushing, flossing, and the importance of oral health, it helps them have fewer oral health issues and more-positive experiences at the dentist.
  6. Give positive reinforcement. Before, during, and after dental visits, give your child praise for being able to take the steps required to have a healthy smile.

If you have any questions about pediatric dental anxiety or are ready to schedule your child’s dental visit—contact the Orange Grove Family Dentistry team, located in Orange, CA.

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Toothache Causes & Home Remedies

A toothache is a pain in or around a tooth. Toothaches can be caused by simple issues like a popcorn kernel stuck in your gum to more serious dental problems like an abscess or broken tooth. Some tooth pains won’t get better on their own and you will need to see a dentist for treatment. If you’re suffering from a toothache, Orange Grove Family Dentistry in Orange, CA can help!

Toothache Causes

Toothache causes—and treatment options—can vary. Depending on your symptoms, you could have one of the following issues:

  • Tooth decay or untreated cavities
  • A tooth abscess (a bacterial infection inside the tooth)
  • Tooth crack
  • Broken tooth
  • Damaged filling
  • Gum infection or damage

Toothache Symptoms

Toothache pain can range from mild to severe, and it may be constant or intermittent. Pain in your tooth and mouth is the primary symptom of a toothache, but the type of pain can vary from:

  • Sharp, throbbing, or constant pain on or around an infected/damaged tooth
  • Pain that only occurs when pressure is applied to a tooth, gums, or jaw
  • Swollen or painful gums
  • Bad taste in the mouth (likely from an infection in a tooth)
  • Fever or headache

Home Remedies for Toothaches

If you’re hoping to minimize pain from a toothache, you can try the following home remedies. Please talk with your dentist before using any of the home remedies listed below if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any medical condition that may be impacted by herbal ingredients.

  • Saltwater rinse. Use 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water then use a mouthwash.
  • Apply a cold compress on/near the area of pain.
  • Use over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol or Advil to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Teabags. Apply a cold or warm tea bag to your tooth—but tea can stain teeth so don’t use this method often.

When to See the Dentist

If your pain is severe or has persisted for more than a day or two, it’s time to see your dentist. They can provide guidance on how to relieve your symptoms and prevent future pain. You should also see a dentist if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • fever
  • trouble swallowing
  • general pain that lasts more than one or two days
  • swelling
  • pain when you bite or chew 
  • abnormally red gums
  • foul-tasting discharge, or pus

If you’re experiencing tooth pain and need to see a dentist in Orange, CA, and contact Orange Grove Family Dentistry today. 


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Dentures. What Is Your Best Option? 

Many aspects need to be considered when choosing which type of dentures you are wanting and require. With three different types of dentures available to you, there are advantages and disadvantages for all. So, let’s go over all your options and figure out which one will suit you best. 

Traditional Dentures

The traditional denture has been used for many centuries. Traditional dentures are no longer considered to be up to the standards of care since dentures have become so mainstream in dentistry. Traditional denture users will have a significant loss of bone and gum support, which will result in facial drooping, sagging skin, and the look of early aging. The following are a few benefits and drawbacks:


  • Least expensive of the three types
  • Can look nice
  • Better than having nothing


  • Hard to eat with & they move around a lot
  • Can feel bulky in your mouth
  • Large loss of taste and temperature sensations due to the roof of the mouth being covered
  • Needs frequent realignment and repairs

Implant Snap-On Dentures

The most popular choice for people seeking to replace their missing teeth is the implant snap-on denture. Compared to a traditional denture, this option snaps into place and is far more stable, less bulky, and doesn’t cover the roof of your mouth. For simple cleaning, the denture can be taken out. Additionally, the use of implants stops future bone loss, early aging, and facial drooping. The following are the benefits and drawbacks of this form of denture:


  • Most affordable implant option
  • Huge upgrade over traditional dentures
  • Prevents bones loss and premature aging
  • Improves ability to taste things


  • Still has some movement
  • Comes out at night

Implant Supported Permanent Teeth

A full set of upper or lower teeth that is permanently attached to dental implants are screwed in dental bridges. This option is the closest we have to the feel and function of your own teeth. These bridges may not be removed by you, only your dentist. Of all the alternatives, this bridge has the most natural-feeling bite and chewing characteristics. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages:


  • Made of strong material
  • Natural feel
  • Best biting and chewing function
  • Stays in the mouth all the time


  • Can be difficult to clean
  • Will require maintenance over time
  • Most expensive option

Speaking to your dentist about the best option for you and your lifestyle is important. If you have any more questions about the differences between these options and what the process may look like contact Orange Grove Family Dentistry in Orange, CA. We’d be happy to help you regain your smile. 

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How Often Should You Go to the Dentist?

Going to the dentist might be frightening, but having an expectation of what to anticipate can help. Typically, you should visit the dentist for a checkup every six months to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. Checkups are not only beneficial for your general health, but they also provide your dentist the chance to give you advice on how to care for your teeth and spot any early signs of oral health issues. 

Here at Orange Grove Family Dentistry in Orange, CA, we understand that life can get in the way sometimes and appointments can get pushed back. That is why we strive to make our patients feel comfortable and at ease in the chair. Listed below is what to expect when you come in for a visit.

Physical Exam

A dental hygienist does the majority of teeth cleanings. The hygienist will examine your whole mouth before starting the cleaning. The hygienist will examine the area surrounding your teeth and gums using a tiny mirror instrument to look for any indication of gingivitis (inflamed gums) or other potential issues.

The hygienist may bring the dentist to the office if any serious problems are found to ensure that the procedure may proceed.


Education is a significant component of the dental examination procedure. Any hygiene issues found will be discussed by the dental hygienist after the cleaning. If required, they’ll also demonstrate to you how to clean and floss your teeth more efficiently.


Your dentist and dental hygienist will next do an examination on your teeth, gums, and mouth to check for any indications of any issues, such as a cavity, gum disease, or early signs of oral cancer. Using the mirror equipment, the dentist will be able to examine your teeth and gums more clearly. If they notice any problems, they may suggest a particular treatment or send you to a specialist.

The importance of routine dental exams for your general health cannot be underlined. Dentists and hygienists are here to make sure you’re maintaining excellent oral and dental hygiene. Orange Grove Family Dentistry in Orange, CA, is always available to assist you and answer your questions. To schedule an appointment for your upcoming dental examination, call our clinic.

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Orange, CA 92867
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Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday & Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. (Available By Phone Only)
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
(By Appointment Only- Every 3rd Saturday Of The Month)
Sunday: Closed